Select English learning videos on YouTube,

1.     Download English Learning Videos

2.     Watch videos and learn about them

3.     Write English content material in the video

4.     Comment on the advantages and disadvantages of English content material in videos

5.     Create short videos to comment on English material content in videos

6.     Continue meeting the seven materials in English




1.      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0J0z8x8Ihk

2.      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0J0z8x8Ihkh

3.      school

4.      After I watched theEnglish learningvideo. In the video discusses the  school. Which is where this video is very helpful for students to recognize the different types of objects that exist in  English and can help teachers, especially me as a prospective educator, later in teaching English in low grades on  thismaterial. The video is clear and easy to understand by the audience, with an attractive and very clear vicabulary  that can attract the attention of students and teachers. So I think this video is one of the videos that can be used as a place to study to students in elementary school, especially for low grades.  


6.                   SEVENTH MEETING FOR ESP CLASS

It is a learning that combines reading, listening and writing and speaking. It is very important for all students to practice English with some of those activities making them active in the learning process. I try to make students more active with individual learning using multiple media and the Cooperative Model in my E-learning or online teaching, it has actively influenced students in their learning process.

1. Speaking Skills

Speech is a productive skill in the organs of speech to express meaning that can be observed directly and empirically (Cameron, 2001: 40; Brown, 2004: 140). There are three important points in this definition of speaking skills.

Speaking is the use of verbal language to communicate with others. Speaking is about incorporating ideas into words about perceptions, feelings and intentions to make others understand the message being conveyed. It can also be said that speaking is the ability of people to express their ideas to others. People get involved in talking because they have good communication. Many experts propose a definition of speaking.

Fulcher (2003: 22) states that speaking is an ability taken for granted, learned as it is through the process of socialization through communication. Linse (2005:

47) states that speaking is just as important in the language development of young learners. In addition, Cameroon (2001: 40) states that speaking is an active use of language to express meaning so that speaking is much more demanding than listening to language about language resources and student skills. Because, speaking activities require careful and abundant support of various types, not only support for understanding, but also support for production.

Celce-Murcia (2001: 163) states that for most people the ability to speak a language is identical to knowing a language because speaking is the most basic way of human communication.


2.     Aspects of Speaking Skills Experts have proposed various aspects of speaking skills. Brown (2001:268) proposes four aspects of speaking skills: fluency, accuracy, pronunciation, and vocabulary a. Eloquence

The first aspect is related to smoothness. It is the ability to speak quickly and automatically that has signs including speaking speed and some pauses used to characterize one's level of communication proficiency (HarrisandHodges, 1995:14; Brown, 2001:10; Richards, 2006:108-109). In this definition, a person is said to be an eloquent speaker if he or she can use grammar structures and patterns accurately, quickly, and automatically at normal conversational speeds when they are needed. Fluency is considered the ability to keep going when speaking spontaneously. It also has signs indicating that the speaker is not spending much time searching for the language items needed to express the message.


B. Accuracy

The second aspect is related to accuracy. Accuracy is the ability to generate correct sentences using correct grammar and vocabulary in natural interactions (Brown, 2001:268). This means that accuracy is achieved by allowing speakers to 9 focus on the elements of phonology, grammar, and discourse in their oral output.  c. Pronunciation

The third aspect is related to pronunciation. Having a good pronunciation of language can help in normal communication, especially for intelligence (Derwing and Munro, 2005). Pronunciation is related to grip, phone patterns, intonation, rhythm, and stress. This is a way for speakers to produce clearer language when they speak.  d. Vocabulary


The fourth aspect is related to vocabulary. This is one of the important aspects of learning a foreign language. With limited vocabulary, anyone will also have a limited understanding of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. 


3.     Teaching Children Speaking Skills When children more easily understand what people are saying, they also become proficient in expressing their own thoughts, ideas, and desires. This prowess does not exist by itself. There are several factors including better speech organs such as mouth and tongue, sintatik and semantic knowledge, awareness of the right people to know and believe the acquisition of abstract things, etc. Therefore, the important thing in developing a child's speaking ability is through practice. To allow students to speak English, teachers must provide the right activities for them to practice. These activities must be well organized according to the level of difficulty and the role of the teacher.

Teaching English, it is necessary to discuss several theories related to children's characteristics, child development, and principles in teaching English to children. 1. Children have a unique character that distinguishes them from adults. Some experts have identified their characteristics as presented below. a. Talk One of the characteristics of the child is the love of talking. Most children at this age (7-10 years old) like to talk and want to get a response and can continue a longer discussion about one issue or event (Grugeon,et al., 2005:84;Owens, 2008 in it means that children like to have conversations with others. In addition, as children get older, their conversations with others increase in depth and length. However, they tend to be brief in the initial conversation. Most of them are quite willing and able to introduce new topics into the conversation, but they have different ways of maintaining topic exchange. 

Therefore, teachers should provide activities that stimulate their sensory input. They should be supported by a hearing and visual mode that is considered sufficient for the classroom. Activities such as having children act in role playing and playing games or participating in Total Physical Response activities are suitable for stimulating children's physical senses. In addition, project activities and directly help children to internalize the language. In addition, sensory aids here and there help children develop language concepts in their minds. For example, activities that can be used are singing songs, performing Total Physical Response (TPR), etc. 

Students must verbally produce a variety of English fonts and allophonic variants; generate language snippets of different lengths; produce English stress patterns, words in stressful and shirtless positions, rhythmic structures, and intonation contours; result in reduced word and phrase form; use an adequate number of lexical units (words) to achieve pragmatic goals; produce fluent speech at different levels of delivery; monitor their own oral production and use a variety of strategic devices – pauses, fillers, self-correction, backtracking – to improve message clarity; use grammar word classes (nouns, verbs, etc.), systems (e.g., tense, covenants, and pluralization), word sequences, patterns, rules, and elliptical shapes; produce speech in natural constituencies – in corresponding phrases, pause groups, breath groups, and sentences; express certain meanings in different forms of grammar; use cohesive devices in oral discourse.

The first is to provide and seek information. This category includes reporting (describing and telling), correcting, asking, and answering questions. The second is expressing and figuring out attitudes. These categories include express agreements and disagreements; expressing pleasure, happiness, displeasure, unhappiness; express likes and dislikes; expressing about satisfaction/dissatisfaction; express surprise/lack of surprise. The third is to decide the course of action (suasion) including expressing hope, disappointment, fear, gratitude; react to expressions of gratitude; offer and accept apologies; agreement/disagreement. The fourth is to socialize. These categories include attention grabbing; greet people when meeting friends or acquaintances; Greetings from his friend, or knower. And he was a hopeful and intimate man. The fifth is to compose a discourse including asking for one's opinion; indicates that a person follows one's discourse; interfere; ask someone to be silent; deliver on the floor; shows a desire to continue; encourage someone to continue; indicates that a person is about to end; closing; and opening of the phone. The latter is improved communication including signifying understanding/non-comprehension; request a repetition of the sentence; and paraphrasing.



English as a foreign language, part of English is writing, it is one of the productive language skills, such as speaking. The difference between writing and speaking mainly lies in the product. In speech, the product is possible oral text in the form of a monologue or dialogue. On the other hand, in writing, the main product is written text. Spratt, Pulvernes and Williams (2005, p.

26) says that "Writing is one of the productive language skills associated with conveying a message with the use of graphic symbols." In addition, Meyers (2005, p.2) says that "writing is the process of finding and organizing ideas, putting them on paper and reshaping and revising them. Doing the writing, language learners will be able to measure how good their English is, as it relates to their mastery of grammar and vocabulary.

According to them, writing is an activity to communicate ideas using letters, words, phrases, and clauses of a series of related sentences. This definition indicates that writing conveys the message through written text. In other words, writing is communication between the author and the reader with the use of printed symbols.


a. Aspects of Writing


In short, writing consists of five important elements: content, organization, vocabulary, language usage, and mechanics. However, they can be simplified into three aspects: ideas, grammar features, and organization.

From the above statement, my opinion is that students can improve their writing skills by having a good understanding of those aspects. Because these aspects are prior knowledge to start writing.


b. Types of Writing Skills

According to Finnochiaro (1974, p. 85) says "This type of writing system exists in the original language in an important factor in determining the easy speaking with which students learn to write. There are two types of writing (Finnochiaro 1974, p.85) :

1). Factual or Practical Writing

This type of writing relates to facts. The author can find it in letter writing and summary.

2). Imaginary Creative Writing

This type of writing is usually present in literature. Examples of imaginary writing are novels, romances, fantasies, science fiction, adventures, etc.

The type of writing given to students to do will depend on their age, interests, and level. For example, we can ask beginners to write simple sentences. When teachers assign assignments to young student students, the teacher will ensure that students will get enough words to do so and also for middle and advanced students.


c. Text

According to Feez and Joyce (1998: 4), text is a stretch of any language that is cohesively united through meaning. Whether language stretching is text or not has nothing to do with its size or shape. This has to do with the meaning of stretching the language that works together as a unified whole.

According to Mongot (2008, p.3) says "Genre or "Text type‟ is a type of text that is not divided based on traditional literature, but rather directly to social functions." There are many genres of text that we learn in school. The text genre is divided into two namely the story genre and the factual genre. There are six types of text in the story genre which are narration, news, exemplum, anecdotes, telling and spoof. While in the factual genre consists of procedures, explanations, reports, expositions, discussions, descriptions, reviews, news items, and comments. In this case the author takes the text of the Procedure as a genre in reading.


d. Procedure Text

The Definition of Procedure Text According to Nystrand (1986, p. 81) says "Explicit text is not because it says everything by itself but because it strikes a careful balance between what needs to be said and what might be assumed.

Text is the anticipated result that is intended or that guides the action you are planning. Certain actions are intended to achieve results. Or to help us do a task or make something. They can be a set of instructions or directions.

Primarily, the social purpose of Procedure Text is to show how something is done through a sequence of steps that allow the reader to achieve the goal.


3. Writing Teaching

In teaching English, teachers must understand how to teach these four skills to students. It is very important to teach these skills in English classes especially teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL). In this case, teachers should know how to teach writing. Harmer (1998, p. 79) says that "There are several reasons why teachers should teach writing. The reasons are strengthening, language development, learning style, and writing as skills." In addition, several reasons will be presented as follows:

a) Reinforcement. Visual demonstration of language construction is invaluable and is used as an aid to commute new languages to memory. b) Language development

It seems that the actual writing process helps students to learn. c) Learning style, writing is suitable for the learner. This is a reflective activity rather than a rush and disrupts interpersonal face-to-face communication. Because students expect that producing language in a slower way is invaluable. d) Writing as a skill, an important reason to teach writing is that it is a basic language skill.


4. Video

Video is a small part of a larger video presentation A series of video frames run in a row to produce short videos

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Video in Teaching Speech Using video, video has a potential impact on foreign language studies. It is useful to present linguistic and non-linguistic aspects. Video is a resourceful tool for teaching foreign languages. Harmer (2007: 308) states that videos can provide the language used. For example, students can see how intonation matches facial expressions and what movements accompany a particular phrase. Another great advantage of 30 videos is that it provides authentic language input for students. Cakir (2006) states movies and TV programs are made for native speakers, so in that sense the video provides authentic language input.

Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell (2007: 316) say that one of the advantages of using video is cultural understanding. This means that teachers can develop a deep appreciation of other cultures by looking at depictions of everyday life in other communities. A video offers some amazing qualities that make it very useful in education. Lever-Duffy and McDonald (2008) say that video can appear to change time and space when capturing events. They also state that the video has the potential to shift the viewer's location as well as the time frame experience. Video travelogues, documentaries, and docudramas seem to be able to shift where the audience is, from the class to the location they're watching.

Harmer (2007: 282) says that students' motivation increases when learners learn languages using video. Most students show increased levels of interest when they have the opportunity to see the language spoken as well as they hear it, and when this is combined with an interesting assignment. The use of authentic materials can increase students' interest in classroom activities and increase their motivation to listen, understand, and learn. communication. Because students expect that producing language in a slower way is invaluable. 





A.    Understanding Vocabulary

Vocabulary is a set of words that a person knows or is part of a particular language. A person's vocabulary is defined as a set of all the words that the person understands to compose a new sentence. A person's vocabulary wealth is generally considered an illustration of his intelligence or level of education. Vocabulary is a very significant vocabulary or word preservation to know, which means all words used inEnglish. From the definition of vocabulary above, it can be concluded that vocabulary is a collection of words or phrases that are usually arranged sequentially and translated.

B.    The Importance of Learning Vocabulary

There are differences of opinion about vocabulary learning. Does vocabulary need to be learned explicitly or is it quite learned implicitly? In explicit vocabulary learning, students perform activities that are designed for vocabulary.

Sokmen (Decarrico, 2001:286) explicitly lays out some vocabulary learning principles. These principles include enriching vocabulary, uniting new vocabulary with mastered vocabulary, providing new vocabulary, improving understanding, helping to understand meaning, using a variety of techniques, and encouraging the use of self-learning strategies. [1]  Implicit vocabulary learning is learning that is not designed for vocabulary. For example, when students read text or use language for communication, they also automatically learn vocabulary. Without knowing grammar, there's very little we can say. However, without knowing the vocabulary, there is nothing we can express. Although we have good grammar skills, but those abilities will be useless if we do not have enough mastery of vocabulary. People who know more words can definitely talk and can even think more precisely about the world.

C.    Vocabulary Learning Techniques or Strategies

Brown (2001 : 377-378) provides signs of communicative vocabulary teaching as follows:

1.     There is a special time for vocabulary learning

2.     Students learn vocabulary in context

3.     Improved use of monolingual dictionaries

4.     Students are encouraged to develop strategies for guessing the meaning of words

5.     Unplanned vocabulary learning may occur[2]

In explaining vocabulary to students, there are a few things that teachers need to pay attention to. Nation (2005) suggests several ways that can be used to explain vocabulary:

1.     Explanations should be simple and concise, not convoluted.

2.     New vocabulary can be attributed to vocabulary that has been learned by showing patterns or analogies.

3.     Explanations are presented orally and in writing.

4.     Attention is paid to words whose parts are already known. Students are told that the words learned are important words to communicate.

5.     Explanations should not use other difficult words.

There are several steps in the vocabulary mastery process. Hatch &Brown (1995:372-392) shows five steps in mastering vocabulary, namely encountering new words, getting the word form, getting the word meaning, consolidating word form and meaning in memory, and using the word. [3]

Step one, students discover new words. New words are certainly difficult words both from spelling, meaning, and use. To find out, students need to take the second step by paying attention to their spelling and speech. For English vocabulary, this second step is important because English spelling and speech are not always the same. The third step is to understand the meaning of the word. The fourth and fifth steps are taken to truly master the new word, namely by uniting the form and meaning in memory, and using it in the act ofcommunication.

Other techniques can be done as follows.

1.     Observe and remember

a.     Purpose: To test students' abilityto observeandremembervocabulary.

b.     Grade: All (elementary, intermediate  or  advance)

c.     Equipment and materials: Assorted small and easily identifiable objects. For elementary level (elementary)can use 12 objects, for intermediate level (intermediate)  can use 15-20 objects, and for the upper level (advance) canuse 25-30 objects.

Collect a wide variety of easy-to-identify small objects such as pesil, eraser, ruler, pen, book, spoon, button, glue or any object that certainly corresponds to the level of the student's language. Put them on the table in front of the class.

Students are asked to come forward and observe the objects which are of course with a time limit, then students are asked to sit back. Cover the observed objects with a cloth or anything else so that students do not see them.

Instruct students to take pencils and paper and start to write down the names of objects already observed in English. Limit the time.

Students are asked again to come forward to give the names of the objects and mention them one by one. The student who writes and mentions things correctly is the winner.

2.     Word Matching

a.     Purpose: To train a combination of synonyms  (word equations) and  antonyms  (opposite words)

b.     Grade: Intermediate (intermediate) and top (advance)

c.     Equipment and materials: pencil and paper

d.     Prepare a list of words that are easy to find the opposite word or equation of the word, such as hot-cold, big-little  and so on.

e.     The teacher reads pre-prepared words one by one with a relatively short time lag, for example one minute.

f.      Students are asked to quickly write down word equations or word resistance (depending on teacher commands). The student who writes the equation and the word resistance correctly is the winner.


Example of Word resistance

• Hot-Cold

• Rich-Poor

• Wet-Dry

• Pass-Fail

• Big-Little

• Right-Wrong

• Noisy-Quiet

• Hungry-Thirsty

• Tall-Short

• Happy-Sad

• Sharp-Dull

• Fat-Thin

• Sick-Well

• Aunt-Uncle

• Fast-Slow

• Knife-Fork

• High-Low

• Sell-Buy

• Clean-Dirty

• Girl-Boy

3.     Blindfold

a.     Purpose: To describe vocabulary in the form of material nouns.

b.     Grade: All( elementary, intermeidate, and advance)

c.     Equipment and materials: Blindfolds (cloth or shawls), Objects according to what is in ajarakan (pencils, books, erasers, etc.).

d.     Before stepping into the game, it is good if students are taught simple description phrases (for elementary) such as: "it is big", "it islong", it is sharp", "it isheavy", "it islight", "I think itis  ...".

e.     Students are asked to close their eyes with a cloth or scarf that has been prepared.

f.      After all the students are blindfolded, the teacher will give the prepared objects such as books, pencils, pens, etc. to each student.

g.     Students are then asked to describe the objects. The student who manages to describe and guess the object correctly, he will get a reward or reward.

6.     Whisper &Write (W2)

a.     Purpose: To practice pronunciation and writing of students.

b.     Grade: Elementary and Intermediate

c.     Perlatan and material: Vocabulary list of either nouns, verbs, adverbs,or  adjectives. It can also use a single sentence or  clasuse.

How to apply Whisper &Write (W2) technique

a)     Students are divided into two groups, groups A and B. Each group then forms a row. Let's say there are 5 students in each group. A1 students stand near the board, then A2 students stand next to them, as do students A3, A4, and A5. So does group B. Make sure the distance between students must be wide so that they can not hear the whispers of their friends.

b)    Provides some material-related vocabulary to A5 and B5 students.

c)     Vocabulary is given to other friends by whispering; A5 to A4 and B5 to B4. The activity lasts until it reaches students who are close to the board, namely A1 and B1.

d)    Students A1 and B1 write down a list of vocabulary they hear on the board. The fastest and most precise group in writing the vocabulary is the winner.

7.     Simon Says

a.     Purpose: To remember vocabulary in the form of material nouns.

b.     Grade: All (elementary, intermeidate, and advance)Equipment and materials.

1.     Students are asked to stand in a circle, and the teacher explains the rules of the game. If the teacher mentions something with the beginning with"Simon says"then all students should follow the instructions. If it does not begin with the word "Simonsays"then the student who follows theinstrusi must exit the game. Example "Simon says: "touch your nose!", Simon says: Touch your chin!".

2.     The last surviving student is the winner and deserves the prize.


D.    Definition of Grammar (Grammar for Young Learnes)

Grammar (Grammar) or language rules are patterns and rules that must be followed if we want to learn a language correctly. The term for this first language component. This component is a framework of languages that must be followed in order for the language to be well accepted. A language whether appropriate or in compliance with the rules or grammar applicable to that language. [4] For elementary school children, it is recommended that grammar taught in the form of integrated vocabulary in statement sentences, because it will facilitate students' learning, for example as a communicative question in the form of question and answer. In this case, the lesson grammar and vocabulary inseparable because sentence patterns need to be given using vocabulary or vocabulary to create meaningful context. Therefore, in the classroom grammar and vocabulary should be taught and learned together. For example, teachers do not teach the form of Singular Dan. plural provided, but by giving examples of sentences using the vocabulary of the name of fruits or others.

Present simple is the basis for every child to learn English, so if the child mastered present simple it will make it easier for the child when they learn more English. Present simple is used to talk about activities that we do regularly (regular) for example: waking up, going to school, breakfast, doing home activities and other regulars. Therefore present simple is very important to be mastered first before continuing to learn English to the next level. Here's an easy and correct present simple formula: Keep in mind for subjeck HE, SHE, IT,  and PERSON NAME, we use S/ES suffix, or even IES, based on the verb used. Remember S/ES suffixes, or even IES are used only for positive sentences. If the sentence is negative and the sentence Ask we use DOES so there is no need to use S, ES, or even IES /DOES so there is no need to use S / ES, or even IES.


E.    Grammar Teaching Techniques(Teaching Tehnique)

In general, the method is interpreted as a way of doing things. In particular, the method of learning is interpreted as a typical way or pattern in utilizing the basic principles of education. In addition, the method is also a technique and other related resources in order to occur the learning process in the learner. The basic principles of education are the psychological principles of education and pedagogical principles. While the related techniques in learning include communication techniques and management techniques of learning or management. Communication techniques in learning are how to convey messages or learning materials and how to develop dialogue between teachers and students or fellow students effectively. It relates to packaging, shipping, media, interruptions, acceptance, interpretation, impact, and feedback. Learning management techniques related to planning, organizing, implementation, and assessment in learning. [5]

There are many learning methods that can be used to convey English learning especially when discussing grammar for primary school children. The world today still loves to play. Therefore, the learning must make the child feel comfortable and pleasant. One example of a learning method that can be used in learning grammar is singing. teachers can teach grammar by singing, so as to create a warm and pleasant atmosphere without losing the elements of knowledge. In this method the teacher does not need to teach adult singing which is difficult for his students to understand because there are still many short children's songs that suit the child's age.

Teachers can also combine between teaching children to sing with gymnastics, for example children in teaching the song "head and shoulders knees and toes ( parts of body), while showing the limbs in question or teachers can combine with educational games. For example, students are divided into groups, then representatives of each group write simple present forms on the board, with the excitement of their group friends. Learning for elementary school children can also be carried out with a kind of role play method,  to train the courage of children to say words in English. Of course, there are many other methods that can be used in grammar learning in elementary school children. It all depends on the creativity of the teachers in delivering the material. To deliver quality and fun learning, you don't have to use expensive media and learning tools such as laptops, air-conditioned rooms, etc. As modern as any learning media in the classroom used but it is the teacher who becomes the main encouragement and motivator for the child.







Vocabulary is a set of words that a person knows or is part of a particular language. A person's vocabulary is defined as a set of all the words that the person understands to compose a new sentence. A person's vocabulary wealth is generally considered an illustration of his intelligence or level of education.

Without knowing grammar, there's very little we can say. However, without knowing the vocabulary, there is nothing we can express. Although we have good grammar skills, but those abilities will be useless if we do not have enough mastery of vocabulary.

People who know more words can definitely talk and can even think more precisely about the world.

Other techniques can be done as follows.

1. Observe and remember

2. Word Matching

3. Blindfold

4. Whisper &Write (W2)

5. Simon Says

Grammarorgrammar is a pattern and rules that must be followed if we want to learn a language correctly. The term for this first language component. This component is a framework of languages that must be followed in order for the language to be well accepted. A language is said to be either appropriate or in compliance with the rules or grammar applicable to that language.

One example of a learning method that can be used in learning grammar is singing. teachers can teach grammar by singing, so as to create a warm and pleasant atmosphere without losing the elements of knowledge. In this method the teacher does not need to teach adult singing which is difficult for his students to understand because there are still many short children's songs that suit the child's age.

Teachers can also combine between teaching children to sing with gymnastics, for example children in teaching the song "head and shoulders knees and toes ( parts of body), while showing the limbs in question or teachers can combine with educational games. For example, students are divided into groups, then representatives of each group write simple present forms on the board, with the excitement of their group friends.

Learning for elementary school children can also be carried out with a kind of role playmethod, to train the courage of children to say words in English. 




Sekolah Dasar

Mata Pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/semester: III/1


A.    Kompetensi Dasar:

1.     Bertanya mengenai hobi.

2.     Menyebutkan hobi.

B.    Indikator:

·       Menyebutkan nama-nama hobi dalam bahasa Inggris dengan lafal dan ucapan yang benar.

·       Bertanya hobi teman dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris dengan lafal dan ucapan yang benar.

·       Menjelaskan hobi diri sendiri dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris dengan lafal dan ucapan yang benar.

C.    Tujuan Pembelajaran:

Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa dapat:

·       menyebutkan nama-nama hobi dalam bahasa Inggris dengan lafal dan ucapan yang benar.

·       bertanya hobi teman dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris dengan lafal dan ucapan yang benar.

·       menjelaskan hobi diri sendiri dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris dengan lafal dan ucapan yang benar.


D.    Materi Pembelajaran: I Love Reading (Sports and Leisure)


E.    Alokasi Waktu: 4 jam pelajaran (4 kali pertemuan)


F.    Metode:  Integrated Skills (mendengarkan, memperagakan, menirukan, bercakap-cakap, menulis, penugasan)


G.   Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran:    


 Pert I – Keg. Awal              Guru menyapa siswa dengan berkata, “Hello how are you today?” sambil melambaikan tangan. Siswa menjawab sapaan tersebut dengan baik dan benar.

         Keg. Inti                1. Dengan bimbingan guru, siswa diajak untuk mencermati gambar yang ada dibuku cetak halaman 20 dengan berkata, “Look and say!” (sambil menunjuk mata dan mulut). Kemudian guru berkats, “Look at the children! What are they doing?” Guru mengarahkan siswa menyebutkan kegiatan-kegiatan yang dilakukan anak-anak yang ada di gambar.

                                       2.  Dengan bimbingan guru, siswa diajak untuk mencermati gambar yang ada dibuku cetak halaman 21 dengan berkata, “Look and say!” (sambil menunjuk mata dan mulut). Kemudian guru memperdengarkan rekaman dan siswa diminta untuk mengulangi ucapan yang didengarnya. Guru memastikan agar siswa dapat mengucapkannya dengan lafal yang tepat.

                                 3. Guru menyuruh siswa untuk membuka halaman 24 dan berkata, “Look! What is this?” (menunjuk gambar pertama) Kemudian melakukan hal yang sama pada gambar-gambar berikutnya. Setelah itu guru berkata,“Listen and tick!” (sambil menunjuk telinga dan memperagakan gerakan mencentang). Guru menjelaskan kepada siswa bahwa mereka harus mencentang kegiatan-kegiatan apa saja yang disukai oleh anak-anak yang ada di gambar tersebut. Kemudian guru berkata, “Now listen to the recording!”  Guru memperdengarkan rekaman. Setelah mendengarkan rekaman, guru dan siswa mendiskusikan jawabannya.


Keg. Akhir               Guru menutup pembelajaran.


Pert II – Keg. Awal              Guru menyapa siswa dengan berkata, “Hello. How are you today? Are you ready for English today?” Siswa menjawab sapaan guru dengan baik dan benar.


  Keg. Inti                 1. Guru meminta siswa untuk mengambil buku dan membukanya dengan berkata ,“Please open your book to page 26!” Kemudian guru menunjuk gambar dan berkata, “Look at these pictures!” Selanjutnya guru berkata, “Now listen and do!” (sambil menunjuk telinga dan mengangkat kedua tangan). Kemudian guru memperdengarkan audio rekaman dan siswa diminta untuk mengulang ucapan tersebut dan memperagakan kegiatan yang ada di rekaman tersebut.

                                 2. Guru mengajak siswa untuk melihat halaman 27. Kemudian berkata, “Listen and talk!” (sambil menunjuk telinga dan mulut). Kemudian guru berkata, “Listen to the dialogue!” dan memperdengarkan dialog. Setelah mendengarkan dialog, guru menyuruh siswa untuk melihat gambar-gambar yang ada pada hal. 27 dan bertanya, “What is this?” (menunjuk salah satu gambar). Kemudian melakukan hal yang sama pada gambar-gambar yang lainnya. Setelah itu, siswa diminta untuk berlatih seperti dialog yang didengarnya dengan mengganti nama kegiatannya. Pastikan semua siswa menguasai dialog tersebut dengan meminta mereka berlatih secara berpasangan.

                                       3. Guru meminta siswa untuk mendengarkan audio dengan berkata, “Listen and talk!” (menunjuk telinga dan mulut). Kemudian siswa mendengarkan rekaman dialog (halaman 29). Setelah mendengarkan dialog, guru menyuruh siswa untuk mengulangi dialog tersebut bersama dengan temannya. Setelah itu guru berkata, “Look! What is this?” (guru menunjuk gambar-gambar yang ada di buku) Setelah siswa mengetahui gambar-gambar tersebut, guru menyuruh siswa berlatih berdialog dengan bertanya apakah temannya menyukai kegiatan-kegiatan yang ada di gambar-gambar tersebut seperti rekaman yang didengarnya namun dengan menganti nama-nama kegiatannya. Guru memastikan agar semua siswa dapat menguasai dialog tersebut.


Keg. Akhir               Guru memperdengarkan lagu “I Like Red” dan mengajak siswa menyanyikan lagu tersebut secara bersama-sama.

Guru menutup pembelajaran.


Pert III – Keg. Awal            Guru menyapa siswa, “Hello, how are you? Let’s learn English!” dan siswa menjawab sapaan tersebut dengan baik dan benar. Kemudian, guru mengulangi materi pembelajaran sebelumnya.

         Keg. Inti               

                                 1. Guru memperdengarkan chant “I Love Reading” dan mengajak siswa menyanyikan lagu tersebut secara bersama-sama.

2. Guru menyuruh siswa membuka halaman 31 kemudian berkata, “Draw and say!” (memperagakan menggambar dan menunjuk mulut). Kemudian guru menyuruh siswa untuk menggambar hobinya dan memberitahu kepada temannya.

3. Guru menyuruh siswa membuka buku halaman 33 dan berkata, “I love reading” kemudian guru bertanya, ”Which picture is it? Yes, circle picture B!” (melingkari gambar B). Kemudian guru berkata, “Read and circle!” Guru menjelaskan siswa harus membaca kemudian melingkari gambar yang tepat sesuai dengan bacaan tersebut.


Keg. Akhir            Guru bertanya pada siswa hal apa saja yang telah dipelajari hari ini.

                              Guru menutup pembelajaran.


Pert IV – Keg. Awal            Guru memberi salam kepada siswa dan mengajak siswa menyanyikan lagu  I Love Reading”

         Keg. Inti                1. Guru berkata, “Open your book page 34!”Kemudian berkata, “Look at these pictures! What is it?” (menunjuk salah satu gambar). Guru dan siswa mengidentifikasi nama-nama gambar tersebut. Kemudian guru berkata, “Listen to the dialog!” (guru memperdengarkan rekaman). Setelah itu guru berkata, “Ask your friends!” (menunjuk mulut). Setelah itu guru menjelaskan kepada siswa bahwa mereka harus bertanya kepada teman-temannya apakah mereka meyukai kegiatan-kegiatan yang ada di gambar tersebut. Setelah selesai, guru dan siswa bersama-sama mendiskusikan jawabannya.

2.Guru menyuruh siswa membuka halaman 36 dan berkata, “Let’s play game!” Kemudian guru menjelaskan cara bermain permainan tersbut. Setelah itu guru membagi siswa menjadi kelompok (1 kelompok berisi 4 orang siswa) dan menyuruh siswa bermain permainan tersebut. Guru mengawasi siswa bermain.

3. Guru menyuruh siswa membuka halaman 38 dan berkata, “Read and write!” (menunjuk mata dan memperagakan menulis). Kemudian guru menjelaskan bahwa siswa harus membaca kemudian melengkapi teks sesuai dengan gambar-gambar tersebut. Setelah selesai guru dan siswa mendiskusikan jawabannya.

Keg. Akhir            Guru menutup pembelajaran.




H.   Penilaian:







Mendengarkan dan menulis


Bertanya dan menulis jawaban


Mengisi teks rumpang



Bercakap-cakap dengan teman-temannya dengan menggunakan ungkapan permintaan maaf


Menirukan ucapan guru


Bercakap-cakap dengan teman-temannya dengan mengenai hobi


Bercakap-cakap dengan teman-temannya dengan bertanya mengenai hobi



I.      Sumber belajar: Buku Grow With English 3 Unit 1 halaman 20−38, Audio Grow With English 3 Unit 1.





        Kepala Sekolah                                                           Guru





                   ______________                                                 __________________







SD                                           :  SDN III MAROS

Mata Pelajaran                        :  Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester                       :  I/1

Standar Kompetensi               :  Memahami instruksi sangat sederhana dengan tindakan dalam konteks kelas

Kompetensi Dasar                  :  Merespon dengan mengulang kosakata baru dengan ucapan lantang

Alokasi Waktu                        : 2 x 35 menit

Tujuan Pembelajaran**          :  -     Siswa dapat mengulang apa yang didengarnya dengan suara lantang

                                                   -     Siswa dapat mengulang apa yang didengarnya dengan pengucapan bahasa Inggris yang benar

Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)

Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )

Tekun ( diligence )

Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )

Berani ( courage )

Metode Pembelajaran             : -     Siswa bersama-sama mengulang dengan suara lantang kosakata-kosakata baru yang diucapkan atau didengar dari kaset/CD

-       Masing-masing siswa mengulang dengan suara lantang kosakata-kosakata baru yang diucapkan guru atau didengar dari kaset/CD


Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran:

  1. Kegiatan Pendahuluan

Apersepsi  dan Motivasi :

·  Guru memperlihatkan gambar besar yang mengilustrasikan topik bab yang dibahas.

·  Guru bertanya pada siswa apakah mereka mengetahui nama-nama benda yang ada dalam gambar.

2.     Kegiatan Inti

& Eksplorasi

Dalam kegiatan eksplorasi, guru:

F Siswa diminta mendengar apa yang diucapkan guru atau didengar dari kaset/CD dan mengulang apa yang mereka dengar secara klasikal.

& Elaborasi

Dalam kegiatan elaborasi, guru:

F Siswa mengulang apa yang diucapkan guru atau didengar dari kaset/CD secara kelompok dan individu.

F Guru memperhatikan pengucapan bahasa Inggris siswa dan membetulkan jika ada pengucapan yang salah.

& Konfirmasi

 Dalam kegiatan konfirmasi, guru:

F Guru bertanya jawab tentang hal-hal yang belum diketahui siswa

F Guru bersama siswa bertanya jawab meluruskan kesalahan pemahaman, memberikan penguatan  dan penyimpulan

3.  Kegiatan Penutup

      Dalam kegiatan penutup, guru:

F Guru menunjuk setiap siswa secara acak untuk menyebutkan apa yang diucapkan guru dengan lantang (kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan cepat).

F Guru meminta siswa untuk mengulang kembali di rumah pelajaran yang telah diberikan di kelas.


Alat/Sumber Belajar:

  1. Buku teks Let’s Make Friends with English, Siti Eryda Lubis Pulungan, jilid 1, Esis
  2. Gambar-gambar atau benda-benda yang berkaitan dengan materi ajar
  3. Rekaman kaset/CD
  4. Buku-buku lain yang relevan



Indikator Pencapaian


Teknik Penilaian

Bentuk Instrumen

Instrumen/ Soal

§ Merespon dengan mengulang apa yang diucapkan guru atau didengar dari kaset/CD dengan suara lantang

§ Merespon dengan mengulang apa yang diucapkan guru atau didengar dari kaset/CD dengan pengucapan bahasa Inggris yang benar


Tes  lisan


Merespon dengan mengulang secara lisan


Listen to the words and repeat.

Guru: crayon

Murid: (mengulang dengan ucapan lantang)




&  Produk ( hasil diskusi )







* semua benar

* sebagian besar benar

* sebagian kecil benar

* semua salah






&  Performansi























* Pengetahuan

* kadang-kadang Pengetahuan

* tidak Pengetahuan


* aktif  Praktek

* kadang-kadang aktif

* tidak aktif


* Sikap

* kadang-kadang Sikap

* tidak Sikap















Nama Siswa




























  Nilai = ( Jumlah skor : jumlah skor maksimal ) X 10.

@ Untuk siswa yang tidak memenuhi syarat penilaian KKM maka diadakan Remedial.




                                                                                        Makassar, ..........................


        Kepala Sekolah                                                     Guru Mapel Bahasa Inggris




          Hj. Herminasih, S.Pd                                          Nur Sakinah

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